Cake Pisang Kukus dengan coklat chip

I like the fact that banana have many calcium and one of the best food for our body and diet. Personally, I don't really like to eat them in raw, soft and I think not good for my mouth exercise cause I don't chew much....hehehhe.. I usually make them something like fried banana coated with flour. Or roasted them with chocolate and cheese. and I love "keripik pisang" or banana chips... 

Banana cake? Frankly speaking, I always tried to make them in many different recipes like hundreds time... believe me.. none of them end up successfully  well d(^_^)b
Never broken heart with this very great, high calcium fruit ,I learnt and read many literature about banana and how to make it a cake. And this time... Voalllaaa.... I feel I will never fail again handling banana...wohohohoho... and I choose steam method because I love it's final result, not dry, so moist and fear free from it'll end up burn in my old oven d(^_^)b -- Just keep eye on water not dry in your steamer, it will be okay.

So here it is.. my Steamed Banana Chocolate chip cake (Cake pisang kukus dengan coklat chip). you can see from picture below, the surface appearance isn't really pretty cause there are dark spot and make small hole.... Well, I'll tell you... I was a little greedy to add more chocolate chips and spread on surface other than that I have already mixed in the batter @(^_^)@ So Please (If you make it) Do not do as I did.. If you want more chocolate, you can mix in the batter, not spread them...

Fresh dari Steamer
- 3 butir telur
- 1/2 cup gula pasir (bagi saya manisnya cukup, tapi jika ingin kurangi atau tambah, sedikit saja)
- 1 1/4 cup terigu
- 1/2 sdt vanilli
- 1 sdt baking powder
- 1 sdt baking soda
- 3 buah pisang ukuran sedang (haluskan- saya gunakan garpu saja)
- 100 gr margarine-Lelehkan.
- 1/2 cup chocolate chip
::Alternatively Bisa gunakan kismis atau campuran buah kering.

Cara membuat:
1) Panaskan panci kukusan. Olesi loyang ukuran 7" (atau 8") dengan butter. Campur dan ayak terigu, baking soda, baking powder dan vanilli. Sisihkan.
2) Kocok telur dan gula hingga kental dan mengembang, warna menjadi pucat. Masukkan campuran tepung bergantian dengan pisang sambil diaduk perlahan.
3) Campurkan margarin leleh. Aduk balik dengan rata. Masukkan chocolate chip, aduk rata.
4) Tuang dalam loyang dan kukus selama 40~50 menit atau hingga lidi yang dimasukkan ke adonan, keluar bersih tak lengket. Dinginkan sekitar 5 menit sebelum diangkat dari loyang.

Enjoy it ! d(^_^)b

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